AI for Jobs MSIB
My name is Adisaka Mesakh Hendiyanto and I am a 4th year student at Udayana University. At the end of semester 6, I enrolled in the MBKM program. The program I chose was AI for Jobs MSIB. This program offers online classes for all students. A few months later, I checked the MBKM website and saw that I was accepted. The program runs from August 14 to December 31, 2023.
On the first day, I attended an orientation on the zoom platform. It introduced the courses to be studied, the rules to be followed, and divided students into classes. The courses studied in this program are python programming, AI technology logic and concepts, AI project cycle, AI research methods, chatGPT, professional ethics and corporate skills, financial literacy, entrepreneurship, and job readiness skills, and final project. The class was divided into 57 classes and I entered a class called waluku.
This MBKM activity is divided into two forms of learning, namely face-to-face and self-study. In face-to-face learning is synchronous and asynchronous where synchronously I deepen the material with the coach which is done once a week on the zoom platform and asynchronously I do the quizzes that have been provided and watch learning videos every day on the Orbit Guru LMS website. In self-study activities I look for learning resources and media independently outside the learning resources that have been provided. Then there is also enrichment material where this material focuses on capstone projects.
At the end of the course, students create a capstone project for their final grade. The capstone project or final project is a project to create a simple AI application that is done in the form of a group. This final project must be done, that is the final project proposal, data collection and processing, AI modeling and model development, AI model evaluation, and deployment. This activity is also guided by the coach once a week. My group and I created an image classification AI and chatbot for skin diseases.
During the MBKM activity, I received the benefits received, that is I better understand how to make AI, build networks with mentors, and know the ethics of work in the real world. Then my impression in participating in this activity is that the coach who teaches me is very good, the coach will answer questions patiently if no one knows, and also in class everyone is active. I hope that this message will inspire me to participate in activities outside the study program in order to gain more knowledge.