Fashion Beyond Borders: Learning to Become a Young Fashion Exporter in the Digital Era

I am Elva Prastika, a fifth-semester student in 2023. This semester, I engaged in the MBKM Studi Independen Program on Digital Fashion Export in collaboration with LaCorre. The program took place online from August to December.

LaCorre is a digital-oriented learning institution specializing in digital export education and training. Founded by PT Arrbey, a company in the export and trade sector, the program focuses on practical learning to equip students for the world of fashion product export, utilizing advancements in digital technology.

At the start, I received training on the learning system, known as LAMS, used by LaCorre. The discussion revolved around how students can access materials, assignments, and track learning achievements, ensuring optimal online learning with structured information flow.

The modules then continued with assignments where students were tasked with creating a brand, developing a product, and identifying potential export markets for predetermined products. My team and I worked on the Appareal brand, specifically a knitted dress. Throughout the product creation process, various enhancements were made to ensure quality for entry into the export market.

In the pursuit of target markets, my team and I delved into fundamental aspects of marketing and promotion. Additionally, we participated in online export expos, such as Indonesia's largest Trade Expo Indonesia (TEI), providing valuable insights into consumer preferences.

As the program neared its conclusion, I was assigned to create a final written work detailing the exportation of our product. This involved explaining the product's packaging, defining target consumers, outlining the product's journey to consumers, preparing necessary export documents, and more. Post-general topics, we covered specific fashion-related subjects like batik patterns, clothing design, color design, outfit mixing for expos, and even catwalk techniques.

In conclusion, this independent study allowed me to delve deeply into the world of export. Beyond theoretical knowledge, the assignments involved practical experiences, creating tangible products. Therefore, after completing LaCorre's classes, I gained a solid foundation for developing export-ready products and acquired knowledge that I believe will be beneficial in my future career.

Based on this experience, I highly recommend fellow students to consider participating in the Digital Fashion Export Vocational, Studi Independen Program with LaCorre. However, I acknowledge that each individual possesses different interests, capabilities, and needs. Therefore, I suggest prospective participants carefully reconsider their decision by seriously considering their personal interests, abilities, and career goals. This way, potential participants can engage in the program with dedication and focus, maximizing the benefits offered by the Digital Fashion Export Vocational, Studi Independen Program at LaCorre.