Independent Internship Event News: Denpasar City Government Cultural Service

My name is Putu Ira Krisanti, and I am a eighth semester student at Udayana University. At the end of the seventh semester, I enrolled in the MBKM program, which is the Independent Internship at the Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government. The implementation of the MBKM Independent Internship program at the Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government, which began in early September, is considered successful. In carrying out this independent internship, I chose Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government because amidst the influx of foreign languages and cultures, we must also be able to introduce our culture to audiences out there. 

So, later on, this can be recorded as Cultural Heritage that will be passed on to future generations. The goals and benefits to be achieved in this independent internship program are to learn about the management and documentation of culture in Denpasar City through the Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government, record the culture and customs in the surrounding areas of Denpasar City officially as Intangible Cultural Heritage, introduce various forms of culture in Denpasar City. As for the benefits, it serves as a means to improve basic skills and apply knowledge acquired in lectures, a means to increase knowledge, insight, and experience in the working world, the establishment of good relationships and information exchange between the Department of Culture of Denpasar City and the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, and the documentation of cultural data that was previously unrecorded, which can later be proposed as Intangible Cultural Heritage. 

I work every Monday-Friday, starting from 8:00 am to 3:30 pm, except on Fridays, which is from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. The total working hours at Department of Culture of Denpasar City are about 5-7.5 hours per day. I participated in the internship for approximately 3 months and 2 weeks. This independent internship was attended by 12 students from the Faculty of Cultural Sciences, Udayana University, who were then divided into 3 different fields (arts, culture, documentation, film, and museums). In this internship, I was placed in the cultural field. Routine activities I do every day in the cultural field include recording and collecting data on pangliman, pekaseh, and also subak in the surrounding areas of Denpasar City, recording incoming and outgoing letters, summarizing data from BPJS Employment, and attending meetings of the traditional village head forum throughout Denpasar City. In addition, there are also non-routine activities carried out either annually or monthly, such as FGD activities for ogoh-ogoh and the turnover of the management of Sabha Upadesa Kota Denpasar. During my internship at Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government, I gained many valuable experiences, especially during the turnover activities for the management of Sabha Upadesa Kota Denpasar for the 2023-2028 period. The event took place on Sunday, November 12, 2023, at the Grand Shanti Hotel Denpasar. In this activity, I had the opportunity to meet directly with the Deputy Mayor of Denpasar, I Kadek Agus Arya Wibawa, S.E., M.M., who would provide guidance on how to resolve and harmonize all important components of society, especially the people of Denpasar. In addition, several related OPDs, traditional village heads, pekaseh heads, bandesga heads, forum Perbekel/Lurah, Sabha Upadesa Kecamatan, Council of Experts Sabha Upadesa Kota Denpasar, MDA Kota Denpasar, Parum Pecalang, as well as Community Leaders also attended the event. 

The event brought in 5 speakers who would provide material related to the progress and issues currently happening in Denpasar City. Some of them discussed the progress of digital economy or digitalization of the economy that has now entered the online business. This activity provided me with knowledge, especially in facing various positive and negative impacts due to the rapid development of digital technology. The obstacles I faced during the internship at Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government were adapting to a new environment, adapting to all employees who have different personalities and characteristics, adapting to the given tasks, and so on. However, I could easily overcome these challenges because almost all employees have a humble, friendly attitude, willing to accept and embrace new people to learn together. 

Although it was only for a short time, I could feel the warmth of togetherness like a family during the internship at Department of Culture of the Denpasar City Government, especially in the cultural field. And not forgetting that this internship provided me with valuable experience and learning that regional arts and culture truly deserve to be respected, preserved, studied, and introduced to the wider community to prevent scarcity or extinction caused by a lack of human resources as practitioners and enthusiasts of traditional arts in Indonesia. In addition, this activity also greatly helped me in self-development, because working with art, history, and culture can encourage self-reflection and self-development in a broader sense. By actively participating, I had the opportunity to build a network with people from different cultural backgrounds, which can increase understanding and tolerance for differences.