Independent Internship MBKM activities at UPTD. Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali

My name is Diajeng Damai Yanti. I am a student who is currently undergoing education at one of the universities in Indonesia, Udayana University. At the beginning of the seventh semester, I registered for an independent internship MBKM which was held for three months. The Independent Internship MBKM program offers in various places such as the Bali Cultural Office, the Tourism Office and Radio Republik Indonesia (RRI). Before joining the program, there are requirements that must be met such as registering, collecting the necessary files, CV and contacting the supervisor.

On September 4, 2023, I was accepted for an independent MBKM internship at the Bali Cultural Office. I was placed at UPTD. Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali which is located on Jl. Raya Puputan Niti Mandala, Denpasar, Bali. Before starting the activities that will be carried out, it is required to report to the Bali Culture Office and UPTD. Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali to get more information about the work system that will be implemented. Regarding the work system that will be carried out, it is not only given in the form of work theory regarding administration or office matters, but students are given and encouraged to help every activity, such as seminar activities held at the Bali People's Struggle Monument, exhibition events, national debate competitions, visitor data collection, handling visitors, and others.

The Monumen Perjuangan Rakyat Bali during the month can reach approximately 10,000 visitors from various countries and even local visitors. In handling visitors who come, I can gradually learn how to communicate well and correctly, directing and explaining something related to monument history information or monument plans to visitors who are present. Thus, during the three months of carrying out MBKM Independent Internship at the Bali People's Struggle Monument, I gained many things such as positive experiences, namely getting to know the history that is in the monument, behavior or mindset of a person in the world of work, adding relationships, and mindset in solving existing problems.