Independent Study as a Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development at PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia

My name is Gede Rebi Artana, a fifth semester student at Udayana University, had the extraordinary opportunity to participate in the Independent Study program at PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia. The program is known as Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development. In the midst of the complexity of climate change and sustainable development issues, PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia offers a unique opportunity for students through the Self Skills Learning Internship (MBKM) Independent Study as a Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development. The Independent Study I chose focuses on Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development. This program is organized by PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia, an educational institution known as a leader in providing training and resources to address global challenges such as climate change.

During my participation in the MBKM program, I experienced tremendous benefits both personally and professionally. Personally, the program provided me with a profound understanding of the impact of climate change and sustainability. Additionally, I gained strong data analysis skills, which are valuable assets in the modern workplace. Professionally, the MBKM certificate adds weight to my educational track record. I am confident that having expertise as a Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development will open doors to job opportunities in various sectors, especially those related to corporate social responsibility and sustainable initiatives. The activities during this program were diverse and designed to develop a holistic understanding of global issues. We were involved in seminars, workshops, and in-depth practical projects. One of the most interesting experiences was when we were tasked with analyzing climate change data in a specific region and formulating sustainable solutions.

 I also had the opportunity to work with experienced mentors in this field. Our mentors provided valuable insights into the industry and offered critical guidance in addressing complex challenges related to climate change. Intensive interaction with mentors helped us develop practical skills and a deep understanding of the field's realities. Participating in the MBKM program left me with a profound impression. I feel more prepared to face future challenges in the context of climate change and sustainable development. This program not only provided me with theoretical knowledge but also invaluable practical experience. I feel more confident and competent in navigating the ever-changing world of work.

A message I would like to convey to other students interested in a similar program is to make the most of every opportunity given. Do not hesitate to ask questions, collaborate, and fully engage in every activity. Independent Study through MBKM is a golden opportunity to develop oneself and take concrete steps toward a deeper understanding of climate change and sustainable development. The Independent Study as a Data Analyst for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development at PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia has been a transformative journey, altering my perspective and opening my eyes to the complexities of global issues. I am sincerely grateful to PT Zona Edukasi Indonesia for this opportunity and believe that this experience will continue to have a positive impact on my career and life.