Indonesia Sustainable Social Forestry Education Program (ISS- FREE) - PT Amati Karya Indonesia

My name is Salma Bisyakura and I am a 7th semester student at Udayana University. This semester I am taking part in the MSIB independent study program at PT Amati Karya Indonesia. The program I participated in was the Indonesia Sustainable Social Forestry Education Program (ISS- FREE). PT Amati Karya Indonesia is a Social Enterprise that operates in Youth development using a Project Based Learning system. This program invites students to gain knowledge related to social forestry, where Indonesia is one of the countries with the largest forests in the world. Knowledge about social forestry will be considered important to create a greener Indonesia in the future. At the same time, this knowledge is one of the most important, so it needs innovation in the field of social forestry and associations. In this activity there is a learning process and carrying out problem solving projects in the Social Forestry Group and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) which are partners of the AMATI Indonesia program.

During the program we learned a lot about sustainable mindset, growth mindset, design thinking, customer – problem fit CV, problem – solution Fit, Forest management and conservation program (FMCP), Non-timber Forest product development program (NTFP-DP) and Sustainable forest value chain program (SFMP). In addition, there are also individual and group projects. The individual project from the ISS-FREE program is Ecobricks with the theme "free from plastic waste". Our task is to create educational content by putting as much plastic waste into plastic bottles as possible, then documenting it and uploading it to social media. The purpose of this individual project is to form awareness of the importance of protecting the environment and measuring the environmental impact of processing plastic waste. Then in group projects, we provide assistance to Social Forestry Groups and Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) who are partners of the AMATI Indonesia program. My teammates and I analyzed the problems faced by partners and helped them to find solutions to the problems. The results of interviews with partners of Social Forestry Groups and MSMEs, and validation of the solutions we offer are entered into the Lean Canvas to then be presented to the mentors regarding the progress of the report. Then in the final stage we started making a prototype to be presented in the final presentation. This project aims to preserve Mega Biodiversity in the Village by rebuilding the dreams of rural communities, by solving their problems through potential mapping, problem analysis, innovation programs, mentoring and youth involvement. I share my experiences hoping them can also be inspired to take part in activities outside campus and gain new and valuable insights.