Japanese Department Student Group Vocals Achieved 3rd Place at Pekan Olahraga Mahasiswa

Congratulations to the vocal group representatives from Japanese Department who won third place in the Student Sports Week of the Faculty of Cultural Sciences.

The vocal group consisting of Erna Wahyu, Ira Krisanti, Dita Maharani and Sandya Putri, won third place beating 6 other study programs. By singing the 2 songs that are the provisions, they appear in a compact and beautiful voice harmonization.

"I'm really happy to be able to join the vocal group, starting from tired practice together and then being able to chat intimately with my friends from another vocal team," said Sandya. Furthermore, Sandya said that they practice regularly and also prepare physically and psychologically so as not to get stage fright when performing.

She hopes that through the victory obtained at this event, it can add to the experience of his fellow group members and also in the future they can become even better singers.

Once again, Congratulations to the Japanese Department Group Vocals on the win! (em)