MBKM Activities of Japanese Literature Study Program Students

My name is Vincentius Wijaya, I am a 5th semester student of Japanese Literature Study Program at Udayana University. This semester I registered for the Internship and Independent Study (MSIB) program at Merdeka Campus. I registered at PT Zona Edukasi Nusantara (Zenius). Zenius is a technology-based education company that is already quite well known among the public. I am here taking the Data Analytics for Climate Change Resolution and Sustainable Development program. I am very happy to be able to join this program because it gives me new experiences, as well as new knowledge that I have never had before.

During the independent study activities at Zenius, there were three types of classes studied, Climate Change & Sustainable Development 101, Critical Thinking and Decision-Making Skills, and Data Analytics. Classes are conducted online through the Zoom platform but because the teacher provides the material in a fun and interactive manner, the material provided can be easily understood. The material provided starts from a basic understanding of climate change issues, knowing the causes and impacts, climate change solutions/mitigation, and discussing public policies related to the climate crisis and the future of sustainable development. Students are also taught how to think critically, determine the validity of a logic or argument, and find out the priority scale to make optimal decisions.

Students also learn about what is the core of this material, namely data analyst. Understand what Data Science is, best-practice Data Science, solve data-related problems using the python programming language, use the pandas library, understand the basics and database operations using SQL, create interactive dashboards, and be able to draw insights and make conclusions for stakeholders or draw analytic insight from a problem related to climate change issues.

Another thing about the teaching provided is the mentor class that is held every week. This class is very useful in addition to reviewing the lessons given, we can also ask tips and tricks for doing a task, or to find out about the actual work of a data analyst.

Apart from what has been mentioned, there are many benefits that can be obtained from participating in this independent study activity such as increasing insight into the real world of work, gaining additional experience outside the campus, adding skills for the future and certainly increasing relationships with other people from across universities, across regions, and across ages.

My impression after participating in this activity is very pleasant, and I would like to thank all those who have helped in providing teaching and guidance from the beginning to the end of the activity so that this activity can run smoothly. I would also like to advise my friends to participate in this internship and independent study, because apart from the benefits that I have mentioned, there are certainly many benefits that we do not realize. And while we are still young, seek as much knowledge as possible and it's not wrong to feel a little out of your comfort zone.