MSIB independent study program at PT Amati Karya Indonesia

My name is Leni Intan and I am a 7th semester student at Udayana University. This semester I am taking part in the MSIB independent study program at PT Amati Karya Indonesia. The class I took at PT was the Indonesia Sustainable Social Forestry Education Program (ISS- FREE). PT Amati Karya Indonesia is a Social Enterprise which is engaged in developing Indonesian Youth using a Project Based Learning system which is continuously developed. The AMATI Indonesia program is a problem solving-based Independent Study activity, where each student forms a team to solve problems faced by Partners.

The activities that I have carried out while I was in the program were carrying out activities that can help identify the environment, especially social forestry, through scheduled class training. Furthermore, activities as a form of caring for the environment include voicing awareness about waste by carrying out activities to make ecobricks. Ecobricks themselves are plastic bottles packed tightly with used plastic to make building blocks that can be reused. The aim of this activity is to make oneself and the community aware of caring about waste. In this ecobricks activity, I recycle plastic waste into ecobricks which can be used to make vases, chairs, tables, etc.

Another activity is recognizing green skills, where green skills are individuals who contribute to the environment and improve the sustainability of the environment for the better. This activity teaches how skills can work in harmony with environmental elements in life and how each individual can ensure sustainable development through the economy, society and country.

Apart from individual tasks, there are also tasks that can be done in groups. This task takes the form of a project, including creating a prototype to help with problems faced by Kelompok Perhutanan Sosial (KPS) and Micro, Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah (UMKM). The result of this project is a solution to the problem which is presented in the form of a line canvas and prototype.